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维氏(Wise Foods)全脂奶粉的故事
2017-04-07 08:48 来源:项目加盟网 浏览量:406

维氏(Wise Foods)



维氏(Wise Foods)



About Damian Wise, owner of Wise Foods in Australia

Damian Wise,澳洲维氏(Wise Foods)持有人


Damian Wise is one of the founding directors and is an agricultural scientist. He  became interested in the food business after working on his uncle's dairy farm as a small boy which peaked interest in agriculture and food production. His experience covers many aspects of food production and research in Australia. He has been in business 37 years. He previously worked for CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the Department of Agriculture in Australia where he assisted in the development of dietary guidelines for Australians. He decided to develop a brand to protect and ensure a sustainable future for Australian farmers by developing export markets for premium quality Australian dairy products.

Damian Wise是创始总裁之一,也是一位农业科学家。自从小时候在叔叔家的奶牛场工作过以后,他就特别喜欢食品行业,随后对农业和食品生产尤其感兴趣,他从事过很多与食品及其研究相关的工作,从业时长37年之久,起初是在CSIRO(联邦科学与工业研究组织澳大利亚最大的国家级科技研究机构)以及澳大利亚农业部工作,当时协助澳大利亚饮食准则的研究,之后决定自创品牌,通过开拓出口市场提供高质量的澳大利亚奶制品来保护并且确保澳大利亚农业的可持续发展。

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Company Mission:



Wise Foods are producers and manufacturers of premium quality food from Australia. Our mission is to help Australian manufacturers take their products to the rest of world by building a brand that is based on quality. Farming in Australia is done in a way that protects the environment and works in harmony with existing ecosystems. Traditional farming methods are often used, such as rotating crops to prevent depleting the soil of nutrients, and many foods are produced without chemical processing. Australia has strict quarantine standards and is free from serious plant and animal diseases found in other parts of the world. That all adds up to a biosecurity history that is hard to beat, and it’s one of the things that makes our food so highly valued. It is our hope that the success of Wise Foods will sustain a way of life for Australian farmers and manufacturers by finding new markets.

 Wise Foods是澳大利亚一流品质食品制造商和生产商,我们的使命是通过创立品牌帮助澳大利亚生产商将其优质产品输出到世界各地。澳大利亚的农业都是在保护环境以及与现有生态系统和谐发展的基础上进行的,一般均采用传统的种植方式,比如传统的轮作方式防止耗尽土壤养分,很多食品不会利用化学加工。澳大利亚有着严格的质量标准,其产品在世界各地都没有出现过严重的动植物疾病,所有这些,都将我们的生物安全历史建造到一个难以企及的高度,这也是我们的食品价值被高度肯定的原因之一,我们希望, Wise Foods的成功可以为澳大利亚农民以及生产商开拓新的市场并且维持其可持续的发展。


Wise Foods. A Wise choice for the whole family.

维氏(Wise Foods),全家人聪明的选择。

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上一篇:峪泉净水器厂家 亿佳小康 自主研发产品更丰富


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